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CSR 2021 REPORT: “Crafted by Nature”

Sustainability is our commitment and we want to demonstrate it through our CSR 2021 Report, the tool through which we choose to put in black and white the concrete actions that our company carries out every day for the protection of the environment, the world and the future of the next generations.

Telling the vision of a company like Coronet means giving voice and evidence of all the aspects that revolve around “Crafted by Nature”, the concept that encompasses mission, values, processes and products that have always belonged to our reality.

We have defined it as the report “crafted by nature”, because it is precisely on compliance with the rules of nature that we have founded Coronet’s 50 years of history and sustainability.

The numbers for 2021 are the confirmation of a path that will lead the company to achieve some of the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda, through the implementation of the circularity of production processes and the creation of renewable, increasingly sustainable and zero-impact materials.

Read the full report here

Coronet spa

Coronet S.p.a. P.IVA 01823610157

Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 40, 20094 Corsico MI

  • LUN-VEN 9.00-12.00 | 14.00-17.00
  • SAB-DOM chiuso