Reporting Corporate Misconduct
Coronet S.p.A. is committed to ensuring compliance with current regulations and
transparency. This whistleblowing procedure is designed to protect those who report
corporate misconduct.
Who Can Report
Employees, collaborators, suppliers, consultants, shareholders, and other specified
categories can report misconduct identified within the scope of their work activities.
What Can Be Reported
It is possible to report criminal offenses, civil, administrative, accounting violations, and
breaches of community regulations. Reports should be detailed.
How to Report
Reports can be made through the encrypted platform My Whistleblowing. Both written and
oral reports are guaranteed confidentiality.
Management of Reports
The Supervisory Body receives and manages reports, providing feedback within 7 days of
receipt and periodic updates on the outcome of the investigations.
Confidentiality and Anonymity
The identity of the whistleblower and the individuals mentioned in the report will be
protected with technical and organizational measures to ensure confidentiality.
Protection for Whistleblowers
We guarantee protection against retaliation and discrimination for whistleblowers,
including measures against dismissal or demotion.
The law provides sanctions for retaliation against whistleblowers and abuse of the
reporting system.
External Reporting Channels
It is possible to make external reports to the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) in
case of lack of internal response or imminent danger to public interest.