Coronet and Golden Goose present Yatay
The beginning of a new sustainable path
Aligning people and skills together, trying to get the best in terms of sustainability and development, has always been one of our guiding principles that we try to put into practice thanks to partnership with Companies we feel are similar to us.
We co-operate with many realities and, among all, we could not fail to see in Golden Goose the perfect partner, a prestigious representation of the Made in Italy with great sustainable goals.

Yatay: zero impact innovation
On April the 22nd, we unveiled the goal of our partnership: the creation of the first italian co-action platform for sustainable fashion. By combining Coronet’s technical cutting-edge innvovation with Golden Goose’s knowledge of the final consumer, we created a place where technological innovation shapes the future of fashion to make a positive impact on the environment, economy and people.
The first concrete result of this partnership is Yatay B, a top notch animal free and bio based material derived from vegetable sources and other low impact components like recycled polyester and biodegradable rubber. For the time being, this material will be solely used in a Golden Goose type of sneakers named, not by chance, Yatay Model 1b. At a later stage, we will benefit from Lineapelle showcase to launch this product on the market in all its colours and grains.